How to Use Pandas Reset Index

This tutorial will show you how to use the Pandas reset index method.

It will explain the syntax of reset_index, and it will also show you clear step-by-step examples of how to use reset_index to reset the index of a Pandas DataFrame.

The tutorial has several sections. You can click on one of the following links, and the link will take you to the appropriate section in the tutorial.

Table of Contents:

Having said that, if you’re new to Pandas, or new to using Pandas DataFrame indexes, you should probably read the whole thing.

Ok … let’s get started.

A quick review of Pandas indexes

To understand the Pandas reset index method, you really need to understand Pandas DataFrame indexes. You really need to understand what an index is, why we need them, and how we set indexes in Pandas.

Once you know that, we’ll be ready to talk about the reset_index method.

With that in mind, let’s review Pandas DataFrames and DataFrame indexes.

A quick review of Pandas DataFrames

Briefly, let’s review DataFrames.

A Pandas DataFrame is a data structure in Python.

DataFrames have a row-and-column structure. Variables are along the columns, and observations (i.e., records) are down the rows.

An image that show the row-and-column structure of a Pandas dataframe.

At a high level, a Pandas DataFrame is a lot like an Excel spreadsheet. It’s just a row-and-column structure that holds data and enables us to perform analyses on that data.

Pandas dataframes have an “index”

One important feature of the DataFrame is what we call the “index.”

Every Pandas DataFrame has a special column-like structure called the index. To be clear, an index is only sort of like a column, but properly speaking, it’s not actually one of the columns of a DataFrame.

If you print out a DataFrame, you’ll see the index on the far left hand side.

By default, if you don’t set any other index for the DataFrame, the index values will just be the integers starting from 0.

It looks something like this:

An image that shows the default numeric index of a Pandas dataframe.

By default, every row will have an integer associated with it, starting with the number 0. We can use this integer index to retrieve rows by number using the Pandas iloc method.

We use indexes for data access and retrieval

The index is important.

A DataFrame index enables us to retrieve individual rows.

When we have a default numeric index, we can retrieve a row or a slice of rows by integer index. We typically do this with the Pandas iloc method.

The important thing to understand is that the index values act as sort of an “address” for the rows. So you can use techniques like Pandas iloc to retrieve or access specific rows.

You can set a new index for your Pandas DataFrame

Although Pandas DataFrames have a numeric index by default, you can also set a new index for a DataFrame.

There are a few ways to do this (including a way to set an index with pandas read_csv). But, the most common way to set a new index for a Pandas DataFrame is with the Pandas set index method.

When you use set_index, the function typically transforms a column into the DataFrame index.

So for example, if your DataFrame has a column called name, you can use the set_index method to set name as the index. This would allow you to select individual rows by the name of the person associated with the row.

But let’s say that you’ve set an index. For example, in the image above, the DataFrame has the index “name“.

What do you do if you want to remove the index and “reset” the DataFrame index back to the default numeric index?

To do that, you use the Pandas reset index method.

A quick introduction to Pandas reset index

The Pandas reset index method “resets” the current index.

Effectively, it takes the index of a DataFrame and turns it back into a proper column.

An image that shows reset_index resetting the index of a DataFrame.

At the same time, it resets the index of the DataFrame back to the default integer index.

Having said that, there’s a little more to it. There are a few details of the method that are dictated by some details of the syntax.

With that being said, let’s look at the syntax of reset_index.

The syntax of Pandas reset_index

In the most basic case, the syntax of reset_index is fairly simple.

We simply type the name of the DataFrame, and then we use “dot syntax” to call the method.

Essentially, we type the name of the DataFrame, then a “dot”, and then reset_index().

An image that shows the basic syntax of Pandas reset_index.

If we do this, the reset_index method will take the existing index (whatever it is) and will turn the index into a column of the DataFrame. At the same time, it will reset the index back to the default numeric index starting at 0.

Having said that, there are some parameters for reset_index that enable you to modify the behavior of the function.

Let’s take a look at those parameters.

The parameters of reset_index

The reset_index method has several parameters that enable you to modify the behavior of the method.

An image that explains the syntax of reset_index, including several parameters.

The specific parameters that we’ll focus on are:

  • level
  • drop
  • inplace

The reset_index method also has parameters col_level, and col_fill. These are used less frequently, so we’re not going to cover them in this tutorial.

Having said that, let’s take a look at level, drop, and inplace.


The level parameter enables you to specify which level you want to “reset” and remove from the index.

This is applicable only if you have multiple levels in your index, which is sort of a special case.

You don’t need to provide any argument to this parameter. By default, it will simply remove all of the levels (and return all parts of the index back to the DataFrame).

I’ll show you an example of this in the examples section, so you understand how it works.


The drop parameter enables you to specify whether or not you want to delete the index entirely from the DataFrame.

Recall what I mentioned above: the Pandas reset_index method takes the index and returns the index back to the columns.

That’s the default behavior. By default, the drop parameter is set to drop = False (even if you don’t explicitly use the drop parameter).

You can change this though. If you set drop = True, reset_index will delete the index instead of inserting it back into the columns of the DataFrame. If you set drop = True, the current index will be deleted entirely and the numeric index will replace it.


By default, the inplace parameter is set to inplace = False.

When inplace is set to False, the reset_index method will create an entirely new DataFrame as output. That means, when inplace is set to inplace = False (the default!), reset_index DOES NOT CHANGE THE ORIGINAL DATAFRAME.

This is important. Many people think that reset_index will operate directly on the original DataFrame that you’re referencing when you call the method. By default, it does not.

Instead, it simply creates a new DataFrame. Keep in mind, this new DataFrame will be sent to the console unless you assign it to a variable.

However, it is possible to have reset_index operate directly on the DataFrame.

To do this, you need to set inplace = True.

When you set inplace = True, the reset_index method will not create a new DataFrame. Instead, it will directly modify and overwrite your original DataFrame.

Sometimes that’s exactly what you want, but be careful! When you set inplace = True, reset_index will overwrite your data, so make sure that it’s working properly.

The output of reset_index

By default, the Pandas reset_index method creates a new DataFrame as output and leaves the original DataFrame unchanged.

As noted in the section above, you can change this by setting inplace = True. If you set , the reset_index method will not create a new DataFrame. Instead, it will directly modify and overwrite your original DataFrame.

Examples: how to reset the index of a Pandas DataFrame

Ok. Now that you’ve learned about the syntax of reset_index, let’s look at some examples of reset_index.


Run this code first

Before you run any of the examples, you need to import Pandas and create a DataFrame.

Let’s do both of those.

Import Pandas

Here, we’re just going to import the Pandas package.

You should know this, but Pandas is a data manipulation toolkit for Python. The reset_index method is one of the tools of Pandas.

To import Pandas into your working environment, you can run the following import statement:

import pandas as pd

This will import the Pandas package with the alias “pd“.

Create DataFrame

Next, we’re going to create a Pandas DataFrame with some “dummy” data.

To do this, we’ll use the pd.DataFrame() method to create a new DataFrame from a dictionary.

sales_data = pd.DataFrame({

We’ve called this DataFrame sales_data. This contains dummy sales data for 11 people.

Let’s print the data and take a look.



       name region  sales  expenses
0   William   East  50000     42000
1      Emma  North  52000     43000
2     Sofia   East  90000     50000
3    Markus  South  34000     44000
4    Edward   West  42000     38000
5    Thomas   West  72000     39000
6     Ethan  South  49000     42000
7    Olivia   West  55000     60000
8      Arun   West  67000     39000
9     Anika   East  65000     44000
10    Paulo  South  67000     45000

As you can see, there are 11 rows and 4 columns (name, region, sales, and expenses).

Notice one thing.

On the far left hand side of the DataFrame is a column of integers starting at 0. This is the default index.

If you want, you can actually examine the index with this code:



RangeIndex(start=0, stop=11, step=1)

The default index is something called a RangeIndex. Don’t let this confuse you … that just means that the index is the “range” of integers starting at 0 and ending at 11 (excluding 11).

Ok. Now we’re ready for some examples.

EXAMPLE 1: Reset the index of a DataFrame

In this example, we’re going to reset the index of our Pandas DataFrame.

But before we do that, we’re going to set the index first.

Set index

Here, we’re going to set the index to the name variable.

We’ll do this with the Pandas set index method.

sales_data.set_index('name', inplace = True)

And let’s print out the data:



        region  sales  expenses
William   East  50000     42000
Emma     North  52000     43000
Sofia     East  90000     50000
Markus   South  34000     44000
Edward    West  42000     38000
Thomas    West  72000     39000
Ethan    South  49000     42000
Olivia    West  55000     60000
Arun      West  67000     39000
Anika     East  65000     44000
Paulo    South  67000     45000

Notice that in the printout above, the “name” column is actually set off to the side, separate from the regular columns. That’ because name is now the “index” of the DataFrame.

We can also manually look at the index by accessing the index attribute:



Index(['William', 'Emma', 'Sofia', 'Markus', 'Edward', 'Thomas', 'Ethan',
       'Olivia', 'Arun', 'Anika', 'Paulo'],
      dtype='object', name='name')

As you can see, the index values are the “names” now.

Ok. Next, we’ll use reset_index to undo that operation.

Reset the index

Now, we’ll use reset_index to reset the index.



       name region  sales  expenses
0   William   East  50000     42000
1      Emma  North  52000     43000
2     Sofia   East  90000     50000
3    Markus  South  34000     44000
4    Edward   West  42000     38000
5    Thomas   West  72000     39000
6     Ethan  South  49000     42000
7    Olivia   West  55000     60000
8      Arun   West  67000     39000
9     Anika   East  65000     44000
10    Paulo  South  67000     45000

Notice that in the output, name has been returned to the columns.

name is no longer the index in this output.

Instead, the output shows the range of integers starting at 0 as the new index.

Note: the original dataframe has not been changed

Before we move on, I want to make one other point. If you print out the sales_data DataFrame, you’ll notice that it still has name as the index.

Why? Didn’t we just use reset_index to undo the index?

Remember that by default, the inplace parameter is set to inplace = False. As I explained earlier in the syntax section, this means that by default, reset_index creates a new DataFrame. It does not change the original.

However, we can modify that behavior. I’ll show you how in another example.

EXAMPLE 2: Delete the index completely

Next, we’ll use the drop parameter to delete the index completely.

Before we do this, we’re going to recreate the DataFrame.

If you already have the DataFrame with name as the index, you can skip this part.

sales_data = pd.DataFrame({
sales_data.set_index('name', inplace = True)

Ok. Now we’re going to reset the index and delete it altogether.

sales_data.reset_index(drop = True)


   region  sales  expenses
0    East  50000     42000
1   North  52000     43000
2    East  90000     50000
3   South  34000     44000
4    West  42000     38000
5    West  72000     39000
6   South  49000     42000
7    West  55000     60000
8    West  67000     39000
9    East  65000     44000
10  South  67000     45000

Notice that in the output, the index has been reset to the integer index.

Moreover, the name variable is completely gone.

By setting drop = True, we caused the reset_index method to “drop” (i.e., delete) the variable.

EXAMPLE 3: Reset a specific level

Next, we’ll reset a specific level of the index.

To do this, we’ll need a DataFrame with a multi-level index.

That being said, let’s first create our data.

sales_data = pd.DataFrame({

And we’ll set the index with multiple variables, name and region:

sales_data.set_index(['name', 'region'], inplace = True)

And let’s print it:

sales_data.set_index(['name', 'region'], inplace = True)


                sales  expenses
name    region                 
William East    50000     42000
Emma    North   52000     43000
Sofia   East    90000     50000
Markus  South   34000     44000
Edward  West    42000     38000
Thomas  West    72000     39000
Ethan   South   49000     42000
Olivia  West    55000     60000
Arun    West    67000     39000
Anika   East    65000     44000
Paulo   South   67000     45000

Notice that this DataFrame has two index levels: name and region. You can also examine the index with print(sales_data.index).

Ok. Now that we have our DataFrame, let’s reset the region portion of the index. We’ll do this by setting level = 'region'.

sales_data.reset_index(level = 'region')


        region  sales  expenses
William   East  50000     42000
Emma     North  52000     43000
Sofia     East  90000     50000
Markus   South  34000     44000
Edward    West  42000     38000
Thomas    West  72000     39000
Ethan    South  49000     42000
Olivia    West  55000     60000
Arun      West  67000     39000
Anika     East  65000     44000
Paulo    South  67000     45000

If you inspect the output (or print out the actual index), you’ll see that region has been “reset” to one of the columns. But, only the region variable has been reset. name is still in the index.

EXAMPLE 4: Reset the index in place

Finally, let’s reset the index “in place.”

Remember from earlier in the tutorial, when I explained the inplace parameter: by default, reset_index does not modify the original DataFrame. It simply creates a new dataframe.

But, we can change that behavior and cause reset_index to directly modify the original DataFrame by setting inplace = True.

Before we do that, let’s quickly re-create our data, so that it’s structured properly.

sales_data = pd.DataFrame({

And we’ll set the index with multiple variables, name and region:

sales_data.set_index(['name', 'region'], inplace = True)

Now we have sales_data with name as the index.

Ok. Let’s reset the index “in place.”

sales_data.reset_index(inplace = True)

And let’s print it out:



       name region  sales  expenses
0   William   East  50000     42000
1      Emma  North  52000     43000
2     Sofia   East  90000     50000
3    Markus  South  34000     44000
4    Edward   West  42000     38000
5    Thomas   West  72000     39000
6     Ethan  South  49000     42000
7    Olivia   West  55000     60000
8      Arun   West  67000     39000
9     Anika   East  65000     44000
10    Paulo  South  67000     45000

When we print out sales_data, you can see that name is now one of the columns, and the index is the range of numbers from 0 to 10.

In this example, by setting inplace = True, we caused the Pandas reset_index method to directly modify the DataFrame in question.

Frequently asked questions about Pandas reset index

Now that you’ve learned about reset index and seen some examples, let’s review some frequently asked questions about the reset index method.

Frequently asked questions:

Question 1: Pandas reset index doesn’t seem to work? Why?

If you tried to use reset index and it didn’t change your DataFrame, you probably didn’t use inplace = True.

I explain this in the syntax section. By default, the inplace parameter is set to inplace = False. That causes reset_index to create a new DataFrame as an output. When inplace = False – which is the default behavior – the reset_index method will leave the original DataFrame unchanged.

To fix this behavior, and to directly modify the original DataFrame, you probably need to set inplace = True.

You can see an example of this in example 4.

Leave your other questions in the comments below

Do you have other questions about the reset index method in Python?

Leave your questions in the comments section below.

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Joshua Ebner

Joshua Ebner is the founder, CEO, and Chief Data Scientist of Sharp Sight.   Prior to founding the company, Josh worked as a Data Scientist at Apple.   He has a degree in Physics from Cornell University.   For more daily data science advice, follow Josh on LinkedIn.

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